March 6th 2022 – “The Outpouring”
The Spirit of God was meant to be with all of God’s people, not just specific ones.
The Spirit of God was meant to be with all of God’s people, not just specific ones.
We cannot change God’s Macro level will, but we have free will on the micro level. We can allow the Lord to send His blessing to rescue us out of…
Join us as Pastor Chad unpacks Joel chapter 2.
Join us as Pastor Chad Holland starts a new sermon series looking at the book of Joel. This week we look at how even in troubling times, God will not…
Join us as Pastor Veikko brings us a message unpacking 2 Chronicles 32:33-33:17.
Join us as Pastor Ray Ramirez explores the idea that truth has a singular agenda; to reveal God to the world.
We have to be careful that we do not get exclusively consumed in self help that we forget to share the Good News of Yeshua with others.
Join us as Pastor Chad unpacks the revelation that the Heart of God is to search for ways to bring people into His family, not ways to keep them out.
Join us as Pastor Wayne Hilsden unpacks some thoughts on the Beatitudes.
KKCJ Mission Statement - King of Kings Community is called to be a compelling, Messiah-centered, Spirit-empowered, disciple-making community that reveals the true face of Yeshua (Jesus) to Israel and to…