December 6th, 2020 – “Expectation”
In this week's message, Pastor Ray talks about how we should have an expectation of God's transforming power working in and through us, and it should be based on our…
In this week's message, Pastor Ray talks about how we should have an expectation of God's transforming power working in and through us, and it should be based on our…
In this new series: Transforming Power, Pastor Chad talks about the substance of our faith in God. We cannot accomplish the Great Commission or our God-given Destiny without the Power…
In this new series: Transforming Power, Pastor Ray talks about the real, evident, and transforming power of God in our lives today. May this message encourage and strengthen you in…
In the last sermon in the series on Magnetism, pastor Wayne talks about the absolute magnetism of "The Cross". How some are drawn near to it and transformed by it,…
The Spirit of God that dwells within us desires to draw us closer to God. His mission is to help us reform our desires so that they mirror the desires of…
In this week's message, Pastor Mike continues on God's desire to draw near to us through prayer. Prayer gives us the opportunity to build a closer relationship with God. Simply…
In this week's message, Pastor Ray continues on God's desire to draw near to us even when we are reluctant to draw near to Him. He continues to pursue us…
In this new series, Pastor Chad talks about how God draws us near to Him for our created destiny in Him. When we do not come to the Lord in…
Sukkot is not just a holiday about the past, but the imagery of the destiny of all believers.
This is a new thing, but this is not a new idea.God has always intended to dwell with His creation.