June 11th, 2023 – “Battlefield of Reality – Part 2”
Join us as Pastor Chad continues with the second part to the sermon - Battle for Reality.https://youtu.be/AySoQmh6464
Join us as Pastor Chad continues with the second part to the sermon - Battle for Reality.https://youtu.be/AySoQmh6464
Join us as Pastor Chad continues in our Battlefields series, looking at the battlefield of reality.https://youtu.be/eDXT2WIElBY
Join us as Pastor Chad brings a special message for Shavuot, looking at how God never expected for us to live a believing life in the Kingdom without an experience…
Join us as Pastor Chad brings a message, looking at how we face the world deceptively introducing young children to mature subjects before they are emotionally ready to handle them.https://youtu.be/WfPqvKwpy6k
Join us as Pastor Chad looks at how the element we are fighting for is the Truth, but the battle is fought in the mind.https://youtu.be/YbWA3mfyAnQ
Join us as Pastor Chad kicks off a new sermon series, Battlefields, looking at how salvation is NOT an insecure gift that can inadvertently be lost, but the cost of…
Join us as Pastor Ray brings a message on looking at how when we hear from God, we have to be ready and willing to act.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnjxXyU7Zr4
Join us as Pastor Chad brings a special message this Resurrection Sunday. https://youtu.be/15rcBFW4loo
Join us as Pastor Chad brings a special message this Resurrection Sunday. https://youtu.be/05SbjeqMbX0
Join us as Pastor Chad brings a special message as we approach the Passover holiday. https://youtu.be/pRlIbRE__Bk