February 25th, 2024 – “Who Came First?”
Join us as Pastor Chad kicks off a new sermon series this week, looking at the book of John.https://youtu.be/xCMKmMFyWVc
Join us as Pastor Chad kicks off a new sermon series this week, looking at the book of John.https://youtu.be/xCMKmMFyWVc
Listen as Pastor Chad explains how that even in the most stuck, hopeless and trapped moments of our life, we need Yeshua to release a Supernatural Burst that changes the…
Join us as Pastor Chad looks at how God will try to find a way to restore us as long as we do not persist in sin.https://youtu.be/QPazPidCF_c
Join us as Pastor Veikko looks at how obedience brings blessing, and accountability brings safety.https://youtu.be/wLeiVfQNohs
Join us as Pastor Chad looks at how by being a blessing to others around you, no matter where you find yourself, you will not be defined by your situation.https://youtu.be/3nBMjsKu-NY
Join us as Pastor Wayne continues in our 'Gaining Strength' series.https://youtu.be/HaKA7XneIXo
Join us as Pastor Chad looks at how staying Faithful to God’s Word puts us in a position for God to do something supernatural through us.https://youtu.be/0DQ-t8dJpKk
Join us as Pastor Chad looks at how succeeding during challenges and temptations is a proactive thing.https://youtu.be/l9b3OxgaIYM
Join us as Pastor Chad looks at how Israel was not chosen because of something they had done, but for something they were being asked to do.https://youtu.be/WfKgHDWxFQY
Join us as Pastor Chad looks at how we are accepted by Yeshua even though we do not match what we will become either, and so it is with Israel…