March 5th, 2023 – “Turning the Tables”
Join us as Pastor Chad brings a special message around the Purim story.
Join us as Pastor Chad brings a special message around the Purim story.
One day Israel will lose all of her friends except one. The remnant of Gentile believers, the Body of Messiah.
In today’s sermon starting with a new sermon series, Pastor Chad gives new insights on the events leading to Yeshua’s crucifixion and how that ties into Pesach and first fruits. …
In this week’s sermon, continuing in our Passover series, Pastor Chad talks about God’s infinite capacity as God does not get depleted. He is more than enough. We pray as…
In the last sermon in the series, “Life Behind the Shield”, Pastor Chad talks about how we as believers will suffer for the messiah and how God will strengthen and…
Continuing in the series, Pastor Wayne talks about what it means to focus and live for God’s glory when the end is near. He touches on four points, mindset, sin,…
In this week’s sermon continuing with the theme , “Life behind the Shield”, Pastor Wayne Hilsden shares on the topic of God as our architect and builder. What it means…